Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna 2010-2024 Owners Manual: Locking and unlocking the back door

Entry function (vehicles with a smart key system)

Toyota Sienna. Entry function

Carry the electronic key to enable this function.

  1. Press the unlock button to unlock all the doors.

    The door cannot be unlocked for 3 seconds after the door is locked.

    Lock the back door again when you leave the vehicle. The back door will not lock automatically after it has been opened and then closed.

  2. Press the lock button to lock all the doors.

    Check that the door is securely locked.

Wireless remote control

Door lock switch

Back door
The back door can be locked/unlocked and opened/closed by the following procedures. ...

Opening/closing the back door from inside the vehicle (vehicles with power back door)
Press and hold the switch to open/ close the back door. Pressing the switch again while the power back door is operating will cause the operation to reverse. However, the reverse operation ...

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