Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: Problem symptoms table

When a "Normal" code is output during a DTC check but the problem still occurs, use the Problem Symptoms Table. The suspected areas (circuits or parts) for each problem symptoms are in the table. The suspected areas are listed in order of probability. A description of each of the chart's columns is shown in the table below.


In some cases, the problem is not detected by the diagnostic system even though a problem symptom occurs. It is possible that the problem is occurring outside the detection range of the diagnostic system, or that the problem occurs in a completely different system.

Item Description
Problem Symptom -
Circuit Inspection, Inspection Order Indicates the order in which the circuits need to be checked
Circuit or Part Name Indicates the circuit or part which needs to be checked
See Page Indicates the page where the flowchart for each circuit is located
Diagnostic trouble code chart
Look for output Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) (from the DTC checks) in the appropriate section's Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart. Use the chart to determine the trouble area and the proper inspecti ...

Circuit inspection
A description of the main areas of each circuit inspection is shown in the table below. Item Description Circuit Description The major role, operation of the circuit and its co ...

Other materials:

1. INSTALL FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR ASSEMBLY (a) Apply a light coat of gasoline or spindle oil to the 2 new O-rings, and install it to the fuel pressure regulator. (b) Apply a light coat of gasoline or spindle oil to the 2 O-rings again, and install the fuel pressure regulator to the No. ...

1. INSPECT LOCK PLATE FOR DAMAGE (a) Inspect the lock plate for damage. HINT: Reassembly of a deformed tank will be impossible. Therefore, first correct the shape of the lock plate groove with pliers or a similar tool, if necessary. Water leakage will result if the bottom of the lo ...

Check component status
(a) Compare the test value with the minimum test limit (MIN LIMIT) and maximum test limit (MAX LIMIT). (b) If the test value is between the minimum test limit and maximum test limit, the component is functioning normally. If not, the component is malfunctioning. The test value is usually sign ...

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