Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna 2010-2025 Owners Manual: Alarm

Engine immobilizer system
The vehicle’s keys have built-in transponder chips that prevent the engine from starting if a key has not been previously registered in the vehicle’s on-board computer. Never leave the keys i ...

The alarm
The alarm uses light and sound to give an alert when an intrusion is detected. The alarm is triggered in the following situations when the alarm is set: A locked door is unlocked or opened in ...

Other materials:

1. INSPECT FUEL INJECTOR ASSEMBLYV (A) inspect the injector resistance. (1) Using an ohmmeter, measure the resistance between the terminals. Standard resistance If the resistance is not as specified, replace the injector. (b) Inspect the injection volume. CAUTION: This test ...

1. Install thermostat (a) Install a new gasket to the thermostat. (b) Install the thermostat with the jiggle valve facing up. Hint: the jiggle valve may be set within 10° on either side of the prescribed position. 2. INSTALL WATER INLET (a) Install the water inlet with the 2 nuts . ...

1. INSTALL TRANSFER EXTENSION HOUSING TYPE T OIL SEAL (a) Using SST(s), install anew transfer extension housing type T oil seal to he transfer extension housing sub-assembly at the position show in the illustration. SST 09325-20010 NOTICE: Do not install the oil seal obliquely. (b) Apply ...

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