The gross trailer weight should be distributed so that the tongue weight is 9% to 11%.
(Tongue weight / Gross trailer weight x 100 = 9% to 11%)
The gross trailer weight, gross axle weight and tongue weight can be measured with platform scales found at a highway weighing station, building supply company, trucking company, junk yard, etc.
1. Remove windshield wiper motor assembly
(see page ww-4)
2. Remove front outer cowl top panel subassembly
(see page em-27)
3. Drain engine coolant (see page co-6)
4. Remove v-bank cover sub-assembly (see
page em-28)
5. Remove no. 2 Air cleaner inlet (see page em-
6. Remove no. 1 ...
Throttle Actuator Control Throttle Body Range / Performance
The Electronic Throttle Control System (ETCS) is composed of the throttle
actuator, Throttle Position (TP)
sensor, Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) sensor, and ECM. The ECM operates the
throttle actuator to
regulate the throttle valve in response to driver inputs. The TP senso ...
Emergency flashers
The emergency flashers are used to warn other drivers when the
vehicle has to be stopped in the road due to a breakdown, etc.
Press the switch.
All the turn signal lights will flash.
To turn them off, press the switch
once again.
Emergency flashers
If the emergency flashers are used f ...