Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: Definition of terms



Monitor Description Description of what ECM monitors and how to detect malfunctions (monitoring purpose and details).
Related DTCs A group of diagnostic trouble codes that are output by ECM based on the same malfunction detection logic.
Typical Enabling Conditions Preconditions that allow ECM to detect malfunction.

With all preconditions satisfied, ECM sets DTC when monitored value(s) exceeds malfunction threshold(s).

Sequence of Operation Order of monitor priority, applied if multiple sensors and components are involved in single malfunction detection process.

Each sensor and component monitored in turn and not monitored until previous detection operation is completed

Required Sensors / Components Sensors and components used by ECM to detect each malfunction
Frequency of Operation Number of times ECM checks for each malfunction during each driving cycle.

"Once per driving cycle" means ECM performs checks for that malfunction only once in single driving cycle.

"Continuous" means ECM performs checks for that malfunction whenever enabling conditions are met.

Duration Minimum time for which ECM must detect continuous deviation in monitored value(s) in order to set DTC. Timing begins when typical enabling conditions are met.
Malfunction Thresholds Values, beyond which, ECM determines malfunctions exist and sets DTCs.
MIL Operation Timing of MIL illumination after defect is detected.

"Immediate" means ECM illuminates MIL as soon as malfunction is detected.

"2 driving cycles" means ECM illuminates MIL if the same malfunction is detected twice during the next sequential driving cycle.










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How to proceed with troubleshooting
HINT: The intelligent tester can be used in steps 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9. 1 VEHICLE BROUGHT TO WORKSHOP 2 CONNECT INTELLIGENT TESTER TO DLC3 HINT: If the display indicates a communication fault in the ...

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Problem symptoms table
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Problem symptoms table
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