Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: Diagnostic trouble code chart

If a malfunction code is displayed during the DTC check, check the circuit listed for that code in the table below.

(Proceed to the page given for that circuit.)



Detection Item

Trouble Area


PBD Pulse Sensor Malfunction
  1. Wire harness
  2. Power back door drive unit
  3. Power back door ECU
Data list / active test
1. DATA LIST HINT: Using the DATA LIST displayed on the intelligent tester, you can read the value of the switch, sensor, actuator, etc. without parts removal. Reading the DATA LIST as the first ...

PBD Pulse Sensor Malfunction
DTC B2222 PBD Pulse Sensor Malfunction DESCRIPTION A pulse sensor is built into the back door for a jam and foreign object detection and for back door position detection. The jam and foreign ...

Other materials:

GENERAL MAINTENANCE 1. INSPECT STEERING LINKAGE (a) Check the steering linkage for looseness or damage. Check that: Tie rod ends do not have excessive play. Dust seals and boots are not damaged. Boot clamps are not loose. (b) Inspect the dust cover for damage. 2. INSPECT STEERING G ...

1. INSTALL HEATER RADIATOR UNIT SUB-ASSEMBLY (a) Install the heater radiator unit sub-assembly to the air conditioning blower assembly. (b) Install the 2 O-rings to the heater water valve assembly. (c) Install the 3 screws and the heater water valve assembly. (d) Install the 2 s ...

How to proceed with troubleshooting
HINT:  Use these procedures to troubleshoot the power folding seat system.  *: Use the intelligent tester. 1 VEHICLE BROUGHT TO WORKSHOP 2 INSPECT BATTERY VOLTAGE Standard voltage: 10 to 14 V If the voltage is below 11 V, recharge or replace the battery before proceeding. ...

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