Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: Inspection


(a) Make sure that there is no looseness at the connector lock part and connecting part of the connector.

(b) Disconnect the speed sensor connector.

(c) Measure the resistance between terminals 1 and 2 of the speed sensor connector.


OK: Resistance: 0.92 to 1.22 kΩ

(d) Measure the resistance between terminals 1 and 2 of the speed sensor connector and body ground.

OK: Resistance: 1MΩ or higher

HINT: Remove the RH side by same procedures with LH side. 1. REMOVE FRONT WHEEL 2. REMOVE FRONT FENDER LINER LH 3. REMOVE FRONT SPEED SENSOR LH (a) Disconnect the speed sensor connector. ( ...

HINT: Install the RH side by the same procedures with LH side. 1. INSTALL FRONT SPEED SENSOR LH (a) Install the speed sensor front LH with the bolt. Torque: 8.0 N*m (82 kgf*cm, 71 in.*lbf) NO ...

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