Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: Rear no. 1 Seat assembly (for Captain Seat Type)

Toyota Sienna Service Manual / Seat / Rear no. 1 Seat assembly (for Captain Seat Type)




1. INSTALL FRONT SEAT ASSEMBLY LH  Place the seat assembly in the cabin. NOTICE: Be careful not to damage the body.  Connect the connectors under the seat assembly.  T ...

HINT: On the RH side, use the same procedures as on the LH side. 1. REMOVE REAR NO. 1 SEAT ASSEMBLY LH  Remove the headrest.  7-Passenger RH: Remove the bolt and seat belt anchor p ...

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HINT: Install the RH side by same procedure as the LH side. 1. INSTALL REAR SPEED SENSOR (a) Install the speed sensor rear LH with the bolt. Torque: 8.0 N*m (82 kgf*cm, 71 in.*lbf) NOTICE: Keep the tip of the speed sensor rear LH clean. (b) Install the sensor harness clamps with the b ...

Power Slide Door Warning Buzzer RH does not Sound
DESCRIPTION  The power slide door system uses warning buzzers built into RH slide doors respectively. Each buzzer has 2 ways of sounding that are used differently according to the situations: When all the following conditions are met, the warning buzzer sounds at a cycle of ...

Speed sensor check (when using intelligent tester)
(a) Check the backward signal. (1) Drive the vehicle in reverse for more than 1 second at 3 km/h (2 mph) or higher. HINT: Drive the vehicle in reverse and check the speed sensor signal. Note that the signal check cannot be completed if the vehicle speed is 45 km/h (28 mph) or more. (b) Che ...

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