Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: Write vin

(a) The VIN writing process is shown in the flowchart below. This process allows the VIN to be input into the ECM. If the ECM is changed, or the ECM VIN and Vehicle VIN do not match, the VIN can be registered, or overwritten in the ECM by following this procedure.

(b) Write VIN using the intelligent tester.

(c) Connect the intelligent tester to the DLC3.

(d) Turn the ignition switch to the ON position.

(e) Turn the tester ON.

(f) Enter the following menus: DIAGNOSIS / ENHANCED OBD II / VIN.

Write vin

Write vin

Write vin

Read vin (vehicle identification number)
(a) The VIN reading process is shown in the flowchart below. Reading the VIN stored in the ECM is necessary when comparing it to the VIN provided with the vehicle. (b) Read the VIN using the int ...

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