Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota Sienna Service Manual: Diagnostic trouble code chart


The parameters listed in the chart may not confirm exactly to those read during the DTC check due to the type of instrument or other factors.

If a trouble code is displayed during the DTC check in the check mode, check the circuit for the code listed in the table below. For details of each code, refer to the "See page" column in the DTC chart.

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

Diagnostic trouble code chart

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